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Hark! Hear the Hexhams!!

Okay, there are these tiny little heads that were discovered in Northumberland. They are made entirely of stone. They were found by two young children in the garden of the town hall in Hexham. Hexham, for those of you who are wondering, is a town in Northeastern England. It was here the Colin and Leslie Robson, two brothers went digging. Maybe they were hoping for treasure, but good little boys they were indeed. When they put in their thumbs, they didn't pull out plums. Oh no... they pulled out tiny little heads. They didn't exactly resemble anything the boys had ever seen before. As is the custom with boys and weird things, they were proud of their findings. They took their heads home to their parents, who were equally as fascinated with the findings, suggesting they should take the heads to the proper officials to be... well properly and officially inspected.

Suggestions turned post-haste when strange things began happening in the house. First things first. The heads, regardless of what position you put them in, would always be facing the same direction while being located right next to each other. For example, if you put one in the kitchen and one in the bathroom, they'd both end up in the living room, facing the same direction. Kind of strange, don't you think? Bottles were flung across rooms, smashing against the walls, figures would take shape at night and full the hair of people in the house. The worst-- well I think it's the funniest-- thing that happened actually happened to the Robson's neighbors. One night, Mrs. Dodd, the mom from next-door woke up at night. Not only did she feel her hair being pulled, but she encountered a half-man-half-sheep entity stalking her hallways. I mean, okay... I know that sounds serious, but since it isn't happening to me, I have to laugh about it. In fact, I'm laughing right now, because I'm wondering if this thing was going, "Baaahhhh." Alright, let me stop.

Listen, these Hexham heads are not just in the UK. They have turned up all over the place. They aren't always called Hexham Heads, because they don't all come from Hexham, but to better explain myself I will refer these as Hexham heads. Like I was saying, these heads have turned up from place like England to Egypt to Central Mexico, a land once occupied by the ancient Mayan people. They have even popped up across the United States, most likely having once been the possession of ancient Native Americans. Usually the heads are pretty calm... very paranormal and supernatural, but calm. The only thing that I can think of is that the people the heads were attempting to communicate with were so dense that they couldn't even get across to them, except by turning up in their full form... which, I'm supposing is the creature that Mrs. Dodd saw. She must've been really tired or punch-drunk because these entities have a very ominous shape to them, but once you have bonded with them, they are harmless. In fact, they are very enlightening and want nothing more than to share their ancient knowledge and secrets with you!!

Okay, so I'm sure you're asking yourself, "What are these things?" Hexham heads are the smaller, more compact, duplicate form of the heads of Extra-Terrestrials. Since the ETs that left the heads here were immortal and they had the ability to re-generate their limbs if they should so happen to fall off... they left carbon copies of their heads here. The best part? These heads possess a fossilized version of an Alien Brain!! How cool is that?? An actual alien brain. Mrs. Dodd doesn't even know what she is missing out on!!!

This breed of aliens visited the world thousands of years ago, sharing technology and secret advanced knowledge with the ancients, who were sky watchers. Of course, they weren't surprise when the aliens showed up. They had spent the last gazillion (give or take) years staring up at the stars, studying them, and learning about what they saw. They were smart enough to know that there was existence other than our own in the galaxy. It's just that today society has television and iPads and all that crap to pollute their mind. They don't take the time out of the lives to actually learn about our habitat. Either way, this is why the Mayans as well as several other ancient groups, such as the Inca, the Aztecs, some Southern Native Americans, and some places in Northern Europe and in Africa practised skull deformation... because they wanted to look more like the beings who taught them their magic and how to build their places of powers such as temples and sky labs, and solar observatories, and things like that! They wanted to mimic the aliens in hopes that their brains would grow the same as the aliens brains. Well, they didn't, but these Hexham heads are the next best thing!!

This necklace is one that we obtained from a top-secret source. I can't really divulge where it comes from. The important part is that you know it contains a fossilized alien brain, with all the knowledge of all the technological advancements, spiritual powers, and abilities of the aliens that have visited Earth. To activate the powers in this piece, you must first bond with Hexham Head... treat it like you would a Furby. Okay, I'm just kidding... but you've seriously gotta bond with your brain (it's in the necklace) It may take a week or maybe it will take a month until your bond is strong enough to where your Hexham Head will feel like it is ready to speak to you and divulge its secrets. Then, you will know the time has come, because it will begin whispering its secrets into your dreams at night when you sleep. You will receive visions of the Hexham head's knowledge, which will allow you to pilot yourself through a holographic version of the alien brain that the Hexham Head possesses. This will allow you obtain all the information, power, abilities, magic, or other secrets that you want. The information will then become part of your own print, because your alien DNA will be activated and the information will be imprinted on your DNA. It is a very complex piece, but it holds the utmost Extraterrestrial secrets. If you're one of those people that think, "the truth is out there," look no further... the truth is in this item!!

This is sterling silver and it is also REAL Amber,not the fake stuff. Inside of it is part of the brain that you can see. This doesn’t have the fake glitter in it. It is also holding one small bug, the chain part is all sterling and length can be adjusted some.

Hark! Hear the Hexhams!!

SKU: 93024022

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